Our Mission

To train children, both spiritually and academically, to be Christian Leaders for the Kingdom of God, and to support the institution of the family.

Get In Touch

1550 E. SR 205 Columbia City, IN 46725
Phone: (260) 248-4872
Fax: (260) 244-4634
Find us on Facebook


Faith Christian Academy is Whitley County’s only interdenominational Christian school, providing excellence in education for children since 1991. Located at State Road 205 and US 30 in Columbia City, Indiana, Faith Christian Academy offers advanced, yet individualized curriculum for preschoolers through eighth grade. God in the classroom, dedicated educators, involved parents, smaller class sizes and specialized attention for each child mean a learning experience unsurpassed in Whitley County.

  • Christian school educators emphasize the worth of every child.
  • Christian school educators openly share the love of Christ with students. They point students toward the Savior of the world, not away from Him.
  • The opposite of Christ-centered education is man-centered education or humanism, declaring man instead of God as the authority for truth.
  • Christian schools attempt to inspire loyalty to the church.
  • Christian school educators attempt to inspire students to love their country and to have respect for civil government.
  • Christian school education equips students with basic academic skills with which to effectively apply themselves to live lives that are useful and productive.
  • Christian school educators are themselves important role models for students. Someone has said, “Ninety percent of what students ultimately retain from their education is what they learn from watching the lives of their teachers.”

Donate Today to help FCA – listed under Right Side Foundation


Latest News

Upcoming Events

Christmas Music Program

We will have our Christmas music program on December 13th, at 7:00 PM. Please join us at Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian church that evening. All are welcome.

Donate Used Phones and Tablets

Faith Christian Academy Can Use Your Used Phones and Tablets – working or broken If you have any used cell phones, tablets, blackberry’s, iPads, or iPhones that you’re no longer using, we would love it if you would donate them to us. This is a great fundraising opportunity for FCA. If you’re planning to give phones or tablets as Christmas gifts this year, and have old ones that you will no longer need, please consider donating them to FCA. You may donate them in the designated boxes at B.E. Comics at 126 W Van Buren; Krider’s Meat Processing 735 West Market; and of course FCA at 1550 East State Road 205. The Pace Butler Company in Oklahoma will buy them from us. This collection will go on until Dec. 21st.

Cookie Dough Sale

FCA is again selling frozen cookie dough. They come in 3 pound tubs of frozen dough that you need to thaw to scoop out, or proportioned cookies. They are delicious. Orders and money need to be back by Tuesday October 23rd. Cookie Dough Order Form

Fall Scrip Cards

These are gift cards you can order and buy. We are given a certain percentage of the price from the businesses. Restaurants give the best percentage. The DQ cards are the very best - we receive 30% and they are GOOD ANYWHERE that accepts DQ cards. The orders must be returned by November 9th. Think travel - gas, food, and motel cards. Scrip Order Form

McTeacher’s Night

Faith Christian Academy is again teaming with the Columbia City McDonald’s for a “McTeacher’s Night” on Monday October 1 from 5:00 – 8:00. During that time staff from Faith Christian Academy will be helping to “bus’ tables, greet you at the door, help take loaded trays to your table and just all-in-all be helpful. For this Faith Christian Academy will receive 20% of all sales – eat in, take out or drive thru. You do not have to say anything special, we just get 20% of all sales. Remember salads will keep a day or two in the fridge, so stock up! We would like to “see you smile!”

Open House

We will have our Open House and orientation on Monday August 20 from 5:00 - 6:30, with a parent's orientation meeting from 6:30 - 7:00. This is the opportunity to meet teachers, see class rooms and get all of your questions answered. Praying to see you there.

FCA Clean Up

Friday June 22 we will have a 20 cubic foot roll off dumpster placed at FCA. We will start on that morning at 9:00 to fill the dumpster with accumulated clutter from the storage sheds and the school building. This will be a long process, not done in one day. In addition to the trash and clutter there are some repairs: 1. The library shelves 2. Organization areas 3. The kitchen and storage rooms 4. Some outside weeding to be done. This is not a 1 day event but a summer project. Please let me know when you can help.

Final Scrip Card Order

We will make one last scrip card order for this school year. The orders must be returned by May 11th. Think travel - gas, food, and motel cards. Also, remember the great deal on D.Q. cards! Click the button below to download the scrip order form. Scrip Order Form

McTeacher’s Night

On Monday May 7th, the teachers, staff, board of directors and administrator of Faith Christian Academy will again be working at the Columbia City McDonald’s from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. “This is a great time for all. We really enjoy seeing all of our friends, and sharing some of the art work from our students with the Community,” said administrator Larry Schmoekel. Come in for some of that great McDonalds food and 20% of all sales will go to benefit Faith Christian Academy. That is 20% of all sales – even the drive-thru. So come on out, enjoy McDonald’s and see us work. And remember salads will make great meals for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nelson’s Port-A-Pit Chicken

This is the famous Nelson’s Port-A-Pit Chicken Halves! The “Pit-tatoes” are small, whole potatoes cooked the same way as the chicken. Nelsons Chicken ½’s ($6.50 pre $7.00 day of) and “Pit-tatoes” ($3.50 pre - $ 4.00 day of) will be sold on Saturday May 5th in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot. We will be there from 10:00 – 2:00, pre-sale tickets will be guaranteed until 12:30. There will also be a bake sale, so you can get that special cake, pie or cookies to round out the meal. Call the school (260) 248-4872 to get tickets.

Meet Our Team

Lisa Shively


Robin Koller

Middle School

George Roth


Mr. Roth has served as Principal of Faith Christian Academy since 2012. Prior to 2012 he worked as a…

Larry Schmoekel


Shaina Hiatt


Lisa Hesting


Pat Murphy


Holly McDaniel

1st and 2nd Grade

Deb Selby

3rd, 4th & 5th Grade

1550 E. SR 205 Columbia City, IN 46725
Phone: (260) 248-4872
Fax: (260) 244-4634
Find us on Facebook
Faith Christian Academy’s website is sponsored by “Talk of the Town“, Whitley County’s only locally owned news source. Check out there site for exciting news happening in our area.
Faith Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, or medical status. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to school programs and activities.

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