This and That

We are officially in the storm season now in Indiana. I just want to take a moment to tell you some facts that I think will reassure you. We have practiced tornado drills AND we have a weather radio in the office right behind my left ear so whenever a warning or a watch is issued WE KNOW IT right away and are ready to take appropriate action.. The warning today was south and east of us.

We have a few bags of tenderloins yet to sell – so if you want some just let me know.

We have deposited more funds from the Fish Fry – we are now at a total of $3,128.42 with more yet to come. GREAT JOB on working and selling THANK YOU.

We will have a Nelson’s Chicken sale on Saturday May 28 at the Tractor Supply parking lot. We will start selling at 11:00 – and will again have a Free Will Offering.

Remember the Kindergarten Round Up and Open House next Monday – invite your friends and relatives to attend, looking forward to seeing you then.

Pastor Larry