Teachers Needed

Faith Christian Academy is seeking to hire two certified teachers:
1. Kindergarten & 1st grade
2. 2nd & 3rd grade

You may mail your resume to either the school’s email, or regular mail at:

1550 E State Road 205
Columbia City, IN 46725

More details may be obtained by contacting FCA at faithchristianacademywc@gmail.com or calling 260-248-4872.

If you know of anyone who would be able and willing to fill one of these positions, please have them contact me as soon as possible. We offer a 4 day week, small classes, the ability to talk about Jesus and not wonder who is listening. The pay is low.

Thank you for your help and your prayers!

Faith Christian Academy is Whitley County’s only interdenominational Christian school, providing excellence in education for children since 1991. Located at State Road 205 and US 30 in Columbia City, Indiana, Faith Christian Academy offers advanced, yet individualized curriculum for preschoolers through eighth grade. God in the classroom, dedicated educators, involved parents, smaller class sizes and specialized attention for each child mean a learning experience unsurpassed in Whitley County.