FCA Pop Tabs Collection

Here is information about Pop Tabs & the good they do!!
To many, a pop tab is just a piece of aluminum with one purpose – to open a can. But to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana, these teeny tiny pop tabs are a valuable resource. Why? Collected pop tabs are recycled, generating much-needed funds to support the House and the nearly 5,000 families we serve each year.
Funds received from the recycling of tabs typically add up to between $30,000 and $50,000 annually. All this money goes to the operating expenses of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana and can cover the cost of operating 3 rooms in the House for an entire year.
Why do you only collect the tabs from cans? Although the whole aluminum can is valuable, the tab is cleaner and smaller, making it easier to collect in large quantities than whole cans. The tab of a standard soda can is made of high quality, high-grade aluminum. By itself, it doesn’t mean much, but when you pull together, pop-tabs add up and become a valuable donation.
Remember “It all goes better when we pull together – after all, did you ever try to push a chain?”